Make sure to add our informative Breakout Sessions to your ProjectCon agenda:

[CPSPON-05] Costpoint Technical Project Juxtaposed with Online Dating

Tue, October 173:10 PM – 4:00 PM

Join 2 computer science nerds as we review best practices when considering a technical project with outside resources such as extensibility, interfaces, and integrations including impact of upgrades to existing enhancements. We’ll have fun comparing a technical project’s pain points with online dating.

[CPSPON-03] Fact Check: Can a Costpoint Assessment Benefit Your Company?

Wed, October 1811:30 AM – 12:20 PM EDT

Have you been using Costpoint for 10-20 years? Has your business grown or business model shifted since the original implementation? Did you go live recently and realize your initial design might not be adequate? Have offline or manual processes? Gain an understanding of the multi-layer process used to review your existing Costpoint system. During the assessment, learn about new product enhancements and along the way, benefit from quick wins on unused features, develop a plan to deploy unused modules, and benchmark to other companies in your industry for flexibility and scalability. Learn what areas can be optimized and the typical benefits realized by Costpoint companies large and small.

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